• 1st Day: Actors in the movie Dreams come true spoke about their experience:

    Polish student: Amelia Świniarska

    Spanish student: Alba Tovar

    Croatian student: Iva Osonjački

    Italian student: Francesca Arcuri



    2nd Day: Covid's effect on students' future life


    Spanish student: Annabel Regales

    Croatian student: Leonora Vereš

    Italian student: Alberto Franzè

    Polish student: Mateusz Frycze



    3rd Day: Volunteering activities carried out in the partners’ countries

    Croatian student: Ivano Rohtek          

    Italian student: Andrea Rosanò

    Polish student: Paweł Dawiduk

    Spanish students: Pol Casas-Ayyan Abdullah


    4th Day: Presentation of the final guide


    5th Day: Broadcast of the movie containing the best moments of the project

    and Certifications' deliveru