Jobs of the Future objectives


    Our topic:future jobs.
    We would like to help students to choose an appropriate uni or vocational school and job for themselves.
    How student can decide which career would be the best for him/her?
    What kind of skills are worth to develope?
    What are and will be the expection of companies in the future?
    Which jobs will probably disappear in the near future?
    Jobs from every area of life: healthcare, engeniering, IT, communication, business, design, etc

    Beside we would like to improve the language, IT, art skill of students.


    Here is an interesting ressource from very high quality ERASMUS+ projects. That can be a start (you can click on the hyperlink or open the green star.




    Everything  that has repetition in there, the machine could in theory do it better (accountant, radiologist): faster, cheaper and without vacation leave.

    What is specifically human? These 4 things cannot be find on curriculum at schools. They are the cornerstones we need to provide a meaningful education to our kids so that we can also educate them for jobs we have actually no idea what they will be.

    • Love
    • Empathy
    • Creativity
    • Critical thinking