Online Student Meetings

  • Personal student meetings was not possible in first half of the school year 2020-2021 and most probably they will be not possible in the second either.

    So we teachers decided to organaize online meetings for students with the following conditions.

    1. Students and teachers will join to on online meeting where they can have discussion together.

    2. To be able to have a real discussion where everybody has opputunity to add his/her opinion the max number of student from one country is 5 and plus 1 teacher per country. Altogether the max number is 12.

    3. The discussions will be bilateral with participartion of two countries at the same time.

    4. There will be moderated dicussions.

    5. The moderator of conversation can be a teacher or a student agreed before starting the meeting.

    6. The topic of conversation is pre-arranged.

    7. The meeting will last 45 minutes.

    8. Meeting notes will be written about the meeting which will be uploaded to twinspace.


    Suggested topics:

    1. How could you decide which job fits you best?

    2. Which skill will be the most important after ten years which would be useful to develop now?

    3. How covid has changed the job market and the economy?

    4. How to get the most out of your high school years?


    Date and time

    French people: Monday from 15:45 to 17:20 

    For Hungarian students Fridays would be the best from 9:00 till 18:00 any time.

    The students are not allowed to go to school so they will join from their home.