Popular stories from the past



    (Hölmölä means the place where silly people lives.)


    The house of Hölmölä was too dark. Since no one wanted to be in the dark, they had to get the light into the house. But how? They discussed and pondered very hard. Finally someone came up with the idea, that the world is full of light ja and they have bags to carry the light into the house. Men grapped some light in their bags and carried it into the house. At the same time women brought the darkness out with their bags. They thought that this is the way they will get the house much brighter.



    Matti, the neighbor, came to Hölmölä while they were carrying the light in and darkness out. Someone told him what they were doing. Matti made a proposal to them how to make the house brighter. He took an ax, went to the house and cut a small hole in the wall, a window. Hölmölä people went into the house and they saw how much light came throuhg the window. So simple but good idea!



    After Matti went back home they decided to expand the window. They made it larger and larger and finally there wasn't any wall left. The house was really bright, but they wanted more light. They decided to make another window and in a little while another wall was gone.



    Still they would have wanted more light, but while they were cutting the third wall, the whole house collapsed. Hölmölä people was little sad because of their house. But after all it didn't matter because now there was plenty of light.