Songs from the past

  • Most of the songs you can find here are ring-a-rose style songs, or playground game songs. For example, "El cocherito leré" is a song for skipping game, or "El patio de mi casa is a ring-a-rose song" where children have to do some actions while moving.

    This is the song presented to our visitors in Alicante, Spain

    You can check other traditional songs here

  • Songs used for games

    Skipping songs

    Here we have three songs used for skipping:
    La reina de los mares
    Una dola tela catola
    El cochecito leré

    Songs for ring-a-ring-a-roses

    Here we have a popular song for ring-a-ring-a-roses. Sometimes children hold their hands and others do different actions during the game. Songs:
    El patio de mi casa.
    Dónde están las llaves

    El cochecito leré

    El cocherito leré
    me dijo anoche leré
    que si quería leré
    montar en coche leré,
    y yo le dije leré:
    «no quiero coche, leré,
    que me mareo leré