Games from the past






    Draw a circle and semicircles around it. Semicircles around the circle are places for the players. The places need to be one less than the amount of players. One player, who hasn´t got own place, starts to go around the circle. He/she has a stick or rock or something similar thing in his/her hand. The player drops secretly the stick behind another player. That player, who´s got the stick behind him/her, takes the stick and starts to run an opposite way around the circle. The players compete themselves which one get first to an available place. A player who doesn´t get a place starts to go around the circle and drops the stick behind another player.


    If you don´t notice the stick behind you and another player has time to go around the whole circle, you must go inside the tarpot (in the middle of the circle). You can get out of there when next player comes in or you can make an agreement that the player has to be in the tarpot for example for two rounds.