Rokiskis (Lithuania)

  • Welcome.

    1° Teachers workshop: To start the teachers of three partner schools participating in the meeting present their work plans with respect to the objectives and their respective contents, the methodologies for teaching/learning and training of students in the field of financial education and entrepreneurship in relation to the issues included in the project and that will be developed during the two-year period. They highlight the results that the teaching practice has confirmed in relation to the objectives envisaged. First discussion and exchange of ideas to identify the strengths of teaching/learning practices of each school regarding the topics dealt with.

    Meeting with a financial advisor who presents different tools and products to invest personal money and finance a business.

    2nd Teachers workshop: we continue the exchange of ideas. A discussion in which the previous observations are resumed to reach a synthesis.
    Visit to the local companies to see and meet workers of different services in order to draw out a first skeleton of what a company must be.

    3rd Teachers Workshop: Drafting of a common work plan in which the project activities are established in time, respecting the timetable and the
    LTTAs's topics.

    The teachers are going to give particular emphasis, in the choice of activities, to those in which students can use knowledge and skills learned at school to solve problems similar to those that they have to face in everyday life, in extracurricular contexts and throughout their lives. Teachers will evaluate students ' achievements not only as cognitive outcomes, but also any other outcome such as students ' attitudes and learning strategies.

    Therefore they will draw up a scheme criteria as indicators of the hard and soft skills and to measure the effectiveness of scheduled activities for each meeting in relation to the objectives.
    The scheme will then be the instrument for a final evaluation of both the results obtained by the students and the quality of the best practices identified. The best practices will be included in the " A cross- curricular approach to financial education Ebook” along with the joint teachers’ judgement of the results achieved by the students.

    Evaluation of the meeting
    The meeting will allow teachers to:
    -Learn to know each other
    -Share an efficient working method 
    -Enhance our integration, negotiation and problem solving skills
    -Strengthen one’s own organizational skills in relation to the resources available
    -enhancing one’s own synthesis and planning skills in the drafting of the common didactic plan of the project

    Drafting of a common work plan for the correct development of the project activities.
    Methodologies: presentation, exchange of views, discussion
    Participants: Lithuanian headmaster, mayor, teachers (Maths, Business economics, Finance, English and Mother tongue, ICT from partner
    organizations), financial advisors, local entrepreneurs, bank workers