Germany: Group 7 – idioms concerning body parts

  • Idioms about bodyparts 2.0.pptx


    Group members:

    András Lermer

    Helena Hurtado

    Riccardo Lorizzo

    Jana Ehinger

    Julia Schneider

    Simon Kraus

    Christian Kindl


    Idioms are expressions in the usage of a language which are peculiar to it. Usually, idioms have a meaning that cannot be understood by simply translating the individual parts of the phrase (such as to ride herd on for " to supervise").

    Collect as many idioms as you can which are related to body parts in your four mother tongues. Then attempt an explanation in English. Also try to find the idiomatic expression in the other languages. One of your final products will be a glossary.

    Also try to find out where they originally derived from.  Also try to illustrate the saying by taking them literally (a "nonsense" depiction is inevitable).

    Now think about an interesting way to introduce your fellow students to the topic. You might also want to explain what superstitions actually are and where do they come from.

    Don't forget to test your fellow students' knowledge at the end!

