Germany: Group 6 – animal idioms

  • Group members:

    Abel Takács

    Ariadna Mata Sarrà

    Claudio Ieva

    Olivia Spann 

    Antonia Leicht

    Julian Hillenmeyer


    Animal Idioms powerpoint.pptx



    Idioms are expressions in the usage of a language which are peculiar to it. Usually, idioms have a meaning that cannot be understood by simply translating the individual parts of the phrase (such as to ride herd on for " to supervise").

    Collect as many idioms as you can which are related to animals in your four mother tongues. Then attempt an explanation in English. Also try to find the idiomatic expression in the other languages. One of your final products will be a glossary.

    Also try to find out where they originally derived from.  Also try to illustrate the saying by taking them literally (a "nonsense" depiction is inevitable).

    Now think about an interesting way to introduce your fellow students to the topic. You might also want to explain what superstitions actually are and where do they come from.

    Don't forget to test your fellow students' knowledge at the end!

    Translation of idioms (italian)

    1) Good luck: good hunting in the middle age

    2) you should not say anything you are not sure about it: a monac tried to catch a mouse, middle age

    3) when there is no boss people do whatever they want: unknown origin

    4)proceed to any logical way to resolve aproblem: unknown origin

    wedding. The groom takes the eridity of the bride and sometime there were oxen.

    6) You think, old things are better than modern ones: because the meat of anold chicken is better than the meat of a young chicken

    7) slow like a snail

    because people walk slowly, modern age

    Translation of idioms (spanish)

    1) To be a cats organ: everybody talks and nobody understand the others.

    2) Cut the fish: impose someone.

    3) Go like a fish: When you have an exam and you don’t know anything.

    4) Hide cat: something dosen’t fix.

    5) Be like dog and cat: when two people are always fighting.

    6) Give cat for bunny: lie to someone.

    7) Who steal a egg, steal a cow: if you can steal a little thing, you can steal a big thing.