Andria: Group 1 – Roman Empire (Education)


    1.Alicino Michele

    2.Aniello Giorgia

    3.Vasallucci Antonio

    4.Vassallucci Claudia

    5.Hajba Klaudia

    6.Russwurm Ruben



    Imagine you are a 15-year-old boy/girl living during the heyday of the Roman Empire. Which kind of education would you receive? Would higher education be available to you? Which factors might influence your level of education?

    Can you find similarities and/or differences between the ancient Roman system of education and the educational systems of your countries?

    Please add your findings to this Twinspace page.



    Education in the Roman Empire 

    • Never a state elementary school
    • Children of wealthy families receive early education from private tutors
    • Poorer children went primary school


    • focused on everyday stuff(life, reading, writing)
    • Roman Students were expected to work on their own
    • students came and went to school whenever they wanted during the day
    • No formal examinations or tests
    • performance was measured trough exercises


    • 9 to 12 years old leave ludus and go on to the “grammaticus”
    • Honed the students speaking and writing skills
    • versed them in a art of poetic analysis 
    • teached them greek 
    • lower class boys would work as apprentices 
    • girls would focus on making them attractive brides and get ready for children
    • students were expected to understand Greek and Latin 
    • children continued with the grammaticus until the age of 14 and 15


    • only wealthiest and smartest would go to the rhetor
    • very few went on to study rhetoric
    • The orator(student of a rhetor) not only focused on public speaking as well as on geography, music, philosophy,literature, mythology and geometry
    • was taught trough private tutors
    • these tutors have a lot of influence on the later life of their students
    • there were two fields of study
    • the first is the deliberative branch of study  (was for the senate)
    • the second is criminal law which was a way more lucrative job 


    • final level is philosophy 
    • it is Greek but many Roman students followed that path 
    • had to go to Greece to study philosophy