4. Gross-Umstadt (May 20/cxl)

  • Unfortunately, our final meeting in Gross-Umstadt had to be cancelled due to Corona travel bans and school closures. Instead of meeting one last time, watching our films on the Do's and Don'ts in the job search and preparing for an international assessment center (among other things), we spent the last few months socially distanced and isolated at home, struggling with distance learning. That was very disappointing, especially since all the partners were matched and everyone was looking forward to seeing their Erasmus friends again. 

    The venues and people had been booked and the program was ready to go.

    The week would have looked like that:

    Due to the lock-down in all of the participating countries, our priorites shifted as of early March. We weren't able to do the films which we had started to work on in our final classes in February anymore. Nevertheless, some industrious students came up with some presentations anyway: 

    Do's and don'ts (when looking for a job or employees)