Job References

  • At the end of their time with the company, just like in real life, the be-leaf students had to list what they had done during their "employment" and what skills they thought they had acquired, developed or improved by doing these tasks and working in these fields.

    This seemed a far better way to find out what the students had gained from their participation in the project than just repeating the initial questionnaire as the areas of responsibiltiy and the intensity with which they had applied themselves differed greatly.

    Here is an example of what the students wrote (sorry, all in German...):

    Notes Zeugnis 1.pdf


    Based on these notes, the teachers in charge wrote a "Zeugnis" (=reference; also in German) for the students to add to their real-life applications for their next work experience or job after they graduate.

    Sample references:

    Zeugnis 1.pdf

    Zeugnis 2.pdf