Semester Topics

  • In semester 1, each country started a business, deciding on a sustainable product range fit to be sold on an international market, a company name, manufacturing the merchandise, etc... To find out more about that challenging and exciting process, please check out our semester 1 presentations:

    Setting up a Company


    In semester 2, each GTE branch prepared a marketing campaign to be presented at our meeting in Lithuania. By producing English (and/or bi-lingual) product leaflets and/or roll-up banners as well as commercials/podcasts for our own and our partners' products, we had to communicate with our partner companies and find out about their products to work out a marketable angle. We also learned a lot about how commercials, film making and enhanced our technical skills.



    In semester 3, the GTE companies (virtually) expanded: each company was looking for staff abroad to better cater to an international market; all participants wrote job ads for their own companies and wrote a personal letter of application and CV to apply for one of the jobs offered by one of the partner companies abroad. Of course, everybody also received either an acceptance letter, an invitation to an interview or a rejection letter, depending on the quality of their application. Changing perspectives and reading applications from an employer's point of view definitely helped gaining insight into what makes a letter of application successful (or not...):

    Looking for Staff


    Analyzing the experience from semester 3, we focused on the selection process when hiring people and looked at Do's and Dont's when searching for a job in our 4th and final semester. Unfortunately, our final meeting had to be cancelled due to Corona travel bans. So we weren't able to do the assessment center preparation we had planned as a final activity. Due to lockdowns, contact bans and everybody struggling with distance learning, we also weren't able to follow through with our final semester activities the way we had planned. Nevertheless, some very motivated students still came up with creative results:

    Landing a Job