Learning/ Teaching activities


    5th meeting - Virtual Activities of the Short-term Exchanges of Groups of Pupils C4 meeting in Burgas, Bulgaria

     Projecye working days 09.11 – 13.11.2020


    Monday - 9th of November

    Activities performed on Zoom and on eTwinning platform

    13:30 - Welcoming activities: Headmaster welcome speech and Bulgaria Team.

    -  Virtual Tour around school- Video

    13:45 Virtual Guided visit to Aqua Kalidae / monument/ video

    14:00 - Virtual Workshop: “IT Monument game” All teams present - Pupils present the IT Monuments games and exchange ideas about their context, their rules and web 2.0 tool used for creation.

    15:00 - eTwinning space activity for students: Students play these  digital games about monuments and add an Item on the eTwinning page  called "Educational IT Games - Monuments" (expressing their opinion about what they learned by playing the games).


    15:45- Training session for teachers: (only teachers)

     Bulgaria Team –   Virtual Workshop “Classroom management in multinational setting” - Many schools have ethnic and religious minorities. Teachers will share their experience in teaching such students.

     Debate: Teachers will discuss ways of how to integrate foreigners into school and local communities.

    Open to all teachers in partners schools.

    1st day activities video link:  https://youtu.be/FlcZbP1rWTI


    Tuesday - 10th of November


    Activities performed at schools


    8:30 to 12:00- All teams in their own schools start the research of the partners monument that was assigned for each school for the creation of the Questions and answer scratch game about it.


    Activities performed on Zoom and on eTwinning platform

     13:30 -   Virtual Workshop: 3D game / maps and partners’ countries monuments/ video.

    14:15- Test – game in Educaplay about European Historical Heritage.

     14:30- Basic Bulgarian language – Bulgarian Language lesson

    Acquisition of other language skills to learn basic vocabulary/ expressions from partners´ national languages in order to create a common Multilingual Dictionary.

    15:00 - eTwinning space activity for students: Each student of each country is responsible for enter in eTwinning page " Bulgarian Language lesson - Multilingual dictionary"   to complete the task: each student must open the link below. After that, each one writes a word or expression (related with the project or from the words above). Students from the partners' countries must then, complete the meaning in their own languages.

     16.00 -Training session for teachers: (only teachers)

    Romania Team – Virtual Workshop: “The benefits of the experiential approach in teaching” presentation and discussion. Teacher will learn about new teaching methods. They will share their experience and exchange good practices.

     Open to all teachers in partners schools.

    2nd day activities video link: https://youtu.be/99hFbC2fo0Q


    WEDNESDAY 11th November

    Activities performed at schools


    8:30 to 12:00- Creating a Scratch account/ explore- All teams create a scratch account and explored the games that scratch have that can be used as inspiration for teachers and your students’ creations.


    Activities performed on Zoom and on eTwinning platform


    13.30-   Virtual tour to: The Ancient town of Nessebur “/ video 

    14:00 to 16:00 -  Workshop – Scratch Application – “How to create a Questions and answers game with Scratch

     - Students start the creation of the code for their team scratch game task.


    3rd day activities video link: https://youtu.be/rHKHMrujOis


     THURSDAY 12th of November

    Activities performed at schools


    8:30 to 12:00- All teams continue and finish the partners monument scratch game.


    Activities performed on Zoom and on eTwinning platform


    13:30 - Virtual Art workshop Icones painting/ video

    14:15 - Virtual tour to: “Deultum /vídeo” and “ Veliko Tarnovo-Tzarevetz /vídeo”

    15:00 - Achieve+ Scratch common game:  All teams start to Create the Achieve+ Scratch common game. They evaluate the work and plan future cooperation.


    4th day activities video link: https://youtu.be/cDn7Hr7Rems


     Friday 13th of November

    Activities performed at schools

    8:30 to 12:00- All teams continue to create the Achieve+ common scratch game.


    Activities performed on Zoom and on eTwinning platform


    13:30- Achieve+ Scratch game:  All teams review the final details on the game Achieve + Scratch game.

    15:15 - eTwinning space activity for students:  Students create a common Padlet on the ETwinning page “Students opinion- Bulgaria” - where they express their experiences / learning / expectations during this virtual meeting and publish.

    15:25- Online questionnaire evaluation - Teachers and students answers the online questionnaire (eTwinning subpage of “5th Meeting – Bulgaria…”  subpage named “Students and teachers’ Questionnaire” about to evaluate this online meeting.

    15:30 - Week review: teachers and pupils

     5th day activities video link: https://youtu.be/5ZZn1zKm0TQ




  • IT Games Monuments

    IT Games presentation Komotini, Greece

    LearningApps.org is a Web 2.0 application, to support learning and teaching processes with small interactive modules. Those modules can be used directly in learning materials, but also for self studying.

    How to create Scratch game

    1st Step – Create one Scratch account. In this page you can find information on how to do so:

    How to create Scratch game

    2nd step - In order to program your own game you must visit https://scratch.mit.edu/ and click on “Create”.

    IT Games presentation Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães, Portugal

    3 Games created on Educaplay" : How to create Crosswords Puzzles; Matching Columns Games; Online Memory Game and 1 online Scratch game" questions and answers game with Scratch".
    All this Games could be used in every lower secondary grade and in every subject. In the process of creating such games, students will develop some fundamental aspects of computational thinking skills.

    Create a Game with Scratch Step by Step

    This simple tutorial aims to introduce students to programming using Scratch. At the end of the tutorial students will be able to build their one game.

    IT Games presentation, Czech Republic

    The monuments game is very simple, it works like the most basic memory game with 28 cards.
    • There are 14 little texts about a monument that we must identify with the appropriate pictures.
    • It is also important to take the the additional information into account as it can appear in the
    following task ☺

    IT Games presentation, Baila Romania 1st game

    By playing this game students you will learn about the most famous and important Romanian monuments, part of the tangible material heritage
    Playing this game, you will learn about the style and features of the Romanian monuments
    You will choose one correct answer, reading the requirements and using the images that accompany each question.

    IT Games presentation Braila, Romania 2nd game

    The platform used for this game is LearningApps.org
    The exercise used is "Find pairs."
    By playing this game you will find architectural elements taken from the Architecture Glossary
    You will have fun matching architectural elements and names of the Romanian monuments to images.Thus,you will find pairs.

    IT Games presentation I.C. Camera, Sala Consilina - Italy

    2 Games created on Educaplay" :
    How to create Crosswords Puzzles; https://www.educaplay.com/learning-resources/7547320-talian_monuments.html
    Matching Columns Games;
    1 Game created with learningapps
    1 Puzzle created with jigsawplanet

    IT Games presentation Bulgaria

    The creation of the test game "Europe's Cultural Heritage" in the Educaplay application, is aimed at students and has an informational and educational purpose.
    The focus of the game is on the cultural and architectural landmarks in Europe.