Romanian Language lesson -Multilingual dictionary

  • Basic of Romanian language – Romanian Language lesson

    Acquisition of other language skills to learn basic vocabulary/ expressions from partners´ national languages in order to create a common mini multilingual dictionary. Students had the opportunity to learn how to spell basic phrases of Romanian language.

    Click in the picture:


    This are the words that the students learn during this Romanian languge lesson.


    1. November
    2. Town
    3. Child
    4. Respect
    5. Safty
    6. Museum
    7. Good afternoon
    8. Home
    9. Studying
    10. Love


    Task: Each student must open the link below. After that, each one write a word (related with the project or not). Students from the several countries must then, complete the meaning in their onw languages.


    Objectives: To build a collaborative multilingual dictionary.


    Please acess file 


    See the final result. It is really amazing!

    Click in the picture