About our Project

The Idães Consortium of schools has invested in pedagogical differentiation and in the school's internationalization. It is also involved in the national project "Flexible Curriculum", whose main theme is “The Romanesque Style”. So, we looked for European partners (Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy) that would enrich the project with their cultural, historical and social heritage, as a key element in the education and integration.
The Project “ACHIEVE+" is supposed to become an important tool to create and share practices to improve educational success. In order to achieve this main goal, the partners have set intermediate objectives: increase knowledge about cultural heritage diversity; develop social and intercultural competences; develop competences in English, foreign languages; develop IT competences.
We intend to achieve the aims in cooperation with all partner schools. The methods and techniques of working in the project are interesting and innovative for students and for teachers. The work in the project is provided through integrated approaches and is incorporated into partners’ school programme, according to the project plan. 3000 students (aged 10-14) and 300 teachers (all subjects) will participate in the project. We are focusing especially on pupils with learning difficulties, social and economic obstacles and immigrants' children from all partners' schools. They will take part in project activities which are included into regular classes and have some extra classes – drama, language, IT, intercultural. They will take part in evaluating actions and tasks: questionnaires, quizzes and discussions.
During mobilities, students will cooperate in international groups, and all the other activities will be held with national groups of students. With the implementation of the tasks, relations between national and international stakeholders will be increased. New synergies will be developed between school and community and add value to promote citizens of the 21st century skills.
By developing the project and creating outcomes, participants will increase their competences, motivation and satisfaction in school work. Consequently, students will be more involved on their learning process and their academic results will improve.
We are planning six transnational project meetings to provide management trainings and exchange of good practices in the field of teaching and learning to use innovative methods and techniques. Teachers will practise English, will improve IT skills and gather materials needed to effective implementation, dissemination and assessment. The students will face real communication situations during accommodation in families. So, they will learn basic vocabulary/ expressions of partners' national languages.
As results, partners will create and publish common products: a project logo and a website (eTwinning Project); mini European language dictionary; an architecture glossary; Cultural heritage Journal; an educational Scratch game; some public presentations; a set of educational materials created in partners’ national languages and in English. The project's final product will be the brochure: "ACHIEVE+". It will be available at the Tourism Office of the partner schools areas.
By taking part in the project activities and creating the common products, participants will become tolerant to other cultures. They will better understand the differences and similarities between cultures and break stereotypes. Students and teachers will be able to speak English and use IT at higher level and increase their motivation and satisfaction in their work. They will get acquainted with different methodologies developed in the partner countries, being "Curriculum Flexibility" one of them.
The dissemination and the use of project results will lead to the establishment of further partnerships in the future. We want our organisations to become European benchmarks as examples of good practices. By dissemination and use of project results, we want to raise awareness of the opportunities offered by Erasmus + programme. So, we will organize trainings and special meetings for teachers, students, educators in the neighbourhood to give them information about the project (at the beginning) and the dissemination of the results (at the end of the project).
We believe that the project will have positive impact at local, regional, national and international level because the products are valuable especially when participants must be prepared to study/work in multicultural and multinational classes and to live in international European society.