Grandparents in Kindergarten.


    Grandparents are a source of wisdom and tenderness for our pupils. We have invited them to read some traditional stories, as they were usually said to be the ones who tell sales to their grandchildren. It is such a great idea to involve them in this project and in the education of our kids, because everybody knows that we need the whole family to educate youngsters.



    In this link you can watch the stories that all the grandparents of our school wanted to tell to our pupils.




    In the difficult times of the pandemic, we were not always able to invite our grandparents to the kindergarten. Some of them, however, read to their grandchildren at home. We can always count on them!



    Due to the strict lockdown, unfortunately, we had to alter this activity. Although we couldn't have grandparents visit our kindergarten, the children presented their favorite books during our online classes.



    A special guest in our kindergarten





    Due pandemic, we decided to record a reading from grandparents and students read books at same time, what grandparents were reading.