Let´s read


    Teachers, starting from the currículum, according to the age of the children, based on the questionnarires distributed to the parents, establish a list of stories. Two stories will be read every week.



    Veo, veo ¿Una rana?

     Author: Guido Van Genechten Ed. EDELVIVES.

    Veo, veo ¿Un ratón?

    Author: Guido Van Genechten Ed. EDELVIVES.


    Author: Jacob Grimm

    Gorín, el guardián del sueño.

     Author: María Rayo Reviriego.

    Paco y la orquesta..

    Author: Magali le Huche. Ed. TIMUNMAS.

    What´s in the witch´s kitchen?

    Author: Nick Sharratt.

    Mi primer Platero.

    Author: Juan Ramón Jiménez. Adaptación de Concha López. Ed. ANAYA.

    El hombrecito verde.

    Author: Pablo prestifilippo. Ed. EVEREST

    Magali por fin lo sabe.

    Author: Patxi Zubizarreta. Ed. ANAYA.

    El león Kandinga.

    Author: Boniface Afogo. Ed. KALANDRAKA.






    At school but also during our online classes, reading books is one of our favorite activities!

    We love to discover new stories but also to reread books our students enjoy. Of course, the children of different classes have their own favorite books and stories, that are connected to their group, and have a special meaning to them!

    During the online classes, we also involved the families in our reading routines. Every Friday parents were invited to participate in our online classes, read and act out stories and books with their children. We all enjoyed this initiative a lot!!







    We read books very often and we like it a lot. Some of our favourite books you can see below: 

    Reading is amazing and fun!!! 


    Reading is great!