•            " Eco-Schools in Action for Energy Saving"


    The basic concept of the project lies on the belief that Education can play an important part to a more sustainable and democratic world by making students environmentally aware and cultivating  their critical thinking. Sustainable development and democratic participation : the ability of all people to come together and be involved in decisions about how they live and what goals they want to achieve as societies. AIM:The aim of the project was to enable students to get involved in energy saving activities at school and acquire the knowledge, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future and become active citizens in a democratic society where they can voice their claims and take up positive actions. (image: Graffiti by Banksy)



    Introducing ourselves: Environmental concerns facing our countries

    ECO-AWAKENING : QUIZ: How environmentally conscious are you?

    Climate change 1. Learning about Climate change:Causes and effects

    Climate change 2. Critical thinking question: Why are people so bad at thinking about climate change?

    Energy aspects: Types and Forms of Energy on a Mind map

    Eco-Christmas wishes

    Sustainability-17 SDGoals: Goals and environmental issues

    Sustainable Development Goal 7 and Energy  Poverty


    Energy tour: Energy school teams go around the school building record the energy school profile, complete files and share with a video

    Mobilise the school community to get involved in energy saving activities


    17SD Goals e-book

    Energy Saving Tips Brochures


    We have a voice: Video eco messages

    EVALUATION. Evaluation questionnaire/Goodbye eco messages

    NOTEThe idea of increasing energy awareness of the school building users by involving them in energy–saving actions is based on the initiative:Climate Schools, Berlin-Athens (2018-2020) (https://www.ufu.de/en/projekt/climate-school-berlin-athens-open-societies-and-schools-in-climate-protection-and-energy-transition/) and was promoted to Athenian schools by the Municipality of Athens.The Greek school joined the project and that’s how we got inspired to also share it online in an Etwinning project with partners from European schools.