Climate change 2

  •    Climate Change: Critical  Thinking Questio

     Why are humans so bad at thinking about Climate change?

               What could be done instead?   

    Task:     Watch this video produced by the University of California and spot out the reasons why people are so bad at thinking about climate change and the ways that their attitudes could change.

    Then on the Tricider board below the video, add new idea (at the bottom of Tricider) answering the question. Once your ideas are written down, interact on the ideas by sustaining the arguments (pros) or  opposing them (cons) and vote for the 3 strongest points to your point . Do not forget to write your name and country (eg Natalia PL) when you add a new idea/write an argument pros/cons /vote. An example sentence is provided to get an idea.    


                                Drawing by Alexandros P., GR