Climate change 1


    Info : The scientists are clear: Climate change is the most serious threat facing our planet today. If countries continue emitting greenhouse gases at historical high rates, the future could look even hotter.

                      Click on below and find out

    (Instructions: Write the name of your hometown and the Birth year and scroll down)

    How much hotter is your hometown than you were born??

    Task 1 

    a) Complete the following grid about your hometowns.

    b) Find the answer to the question (at the bottom of New York Times website):What is the global increase in annual 32oC days from 1960-2089? Annually there will be from 5 to 8 months of warm days(More than 32oC).

    Note: The answers will be provided on the page by your teacher or pupil administrators


    Number of days with 32

    degrees Celsius at students' birth.

             Today -2018               in 2080   


    2 Days 3 Days 11 Days


    46 Days 54 Days 71 Days


    3 Days 2 Days up to 14 Days


    18 Days 26 Days 52 Days

    Task 2 

    In your class, watch the following National Geographic and Ted-Ed videos about the causes and effects of climate change and the carbon cycle process.



    So, let's seeTask 2. Students take the role of the teacher and they themselves create digital exercises to be shared by their partners! Each school creates an exercise on the content of the videos. The exercises can be:a comprehension quiz, a cloze test,a crossword, a wordcheck, a game, a matching exercise...

    How are you going to do that? Go to

    Steps:Language: English/BrowseApps- Environment/Level-secondary Education/Browse exercises and choose one/Work on the template and create your exercise.

      Looking forward to your exercises!! 


    A cloze test based on the content of the videos above created by the Greek students.The learningapp is finalised by the student Alexandros P, GR.Enjoy it! 


    A quiz based on the video created by the German students. Have fun!