Mobilizing your school community

  •      How to mobilize other classes to get involved!

    It is very important that all school community gets activated to energy saving activities. Keeping in mind that every bit of action counts we have to persuade our schoolmates to get involved too so that we manage to reduce the energy consumption in our school building and thus we all contribute to the global reduction of carbon footprint.So

    Task 1. Etwinning students from Energy Team go around all classes and explain to students of other classes what  our project is about. They have prepared an eco code poster (use English or your native language) with a list of dos and don'ts (e.g turn off the lights during break or on a sunny day/keep windows closed to preserve heat/ turn off the appliances when they are not used/Don't cover radiators......) and hang it on the classboard. They ask students to

    • follow the dos and don'ts rules
    • to note down any energy saving activities they have performed

    Task 2.                                                                      

                  Create signs/stickers/posters/drawings for the light switches

     and stick/hung them in all classes

    Upload them on this page. It would be very interesting if –once uploaded on this page- we printed our partners’ signs and hanged them in our classes so all students find out that this project is also shared by students abroad.


    Upload photos of your stickers or posters or drawings here:







    Task 3. Inspection. Some students assume the role of Energy Inspectors. They go around classes to check which class is doing well. Do not reveal who the inspectors are. Arrange with your teacher a sort of reward for the class that adopts the best eco-attitude per week.

    Upload photos of the Energy Activation process in your schools on this page.



          Mobilizing the German school community

    The German Team is working hard to make their school more environmentally friendly:

    1. Signs for our bins in German and English. We seperate our waste (obviously!)

    2. Signs on our benches that remind students to put their rubbish in the bins.

    3. Graffiti outside our school that reminds people of how valuable our resources are (by students) 

    4. A collection point for used batteries

    5. Collecting waste around our school

    ... and lots of projects!