Our 17SD goals e-book

  •                                              Our e-book

    Obviously, your work on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals on previous pages has shown that you have become pretty aware and sensitized on the topic. Here come the questions:

    Can school communities promote the 17 goals?

    What activities can you propose for that?

    Have a look at these verbs:to promote/to organise/to take action/to participate/to raise awareness/to demonstrate/to make a speech/to invite...

    What about creating an e-book?You will need to write down your proposals and create the cover photos


    Task 1: You collect your proposals about each one of the goals on the collaborative worksheet you can see below where you will find more instructions and links that will help you to enrich your proposals.

                                               Click below on:

                                 Collaborative worksheet

    Tips for class work: You are divided in teams and work on -let's say 4 goals per team. You discuss and write down your ideas on post-it notes that you stick on a paper. When you finish you exchange the papers, read your classmates' ideas and add more.(Take photos of your class while working in teams and upload them here)


    The German students working on the 17SDGoals proposals for our e-book  



    Cover photos

    Task 2. What you will need next is to create the cover photo for each goal. The idea is this. What about trying to connect the content of each goal with an art work e.g a painting, a sculpture, a graffiti, a comics, a famous photo? ATTENTION: Do not choose Internet no-name photos. We need to find artworks by well known artists who have created works that are relevant to the content of the goals.

    Have a look at these examples for the SDG 1.


    This could be the cover photos for SDG 1. The photo on the left shows a sculpture -by Pantelis Handris, a Greek artist- of a homeless man and it is in the National Gallery in Athens. The photo on the right is a painting entitled " Starving children" (it fits to SDG 2 too) by Käthe Kollwitz, a German artist.

    Tools to edit your photos:


    Let's divide the cover photos for each partner country.

    Create the cover photos randomly assigned for your class and upload them in Twinspace Materials, in the Album "E-book-Cover Photos" with a description about the name of the artwork, the artist, the location and perhaps why  you have chosen it. (POLAND: 2, 6, 11, 15/SPAIN: 3, 7, 13, 9/GERMANY: 4, 8 14, 16/GREECE: 5, 10, 12, 17)

                                 Looking forward to your work!


    Below you can view our e-book created by the

    German and Greek students.View our e-book in full screen


    And this is the Art Cover photo for the 17SD Goals

    Below, you can see a graffiti on the 17SDGs created by the Greek street artist Iason K. and the Greek students on a school yard wall of the 27th Lyceum in Athens.


    Graffiti in progress