• Land art is a form of art that you can practice outside, with the elements that you cand infd in nature. Feel free to assemble them as you want.
    You can use, pieces of wood, stones, flowers, parts ou plants or whatever you find in the nature !

    Get inspired and have fun !

    The children created artistic imagery using earth, rocks, soil and other natural material, with a view to increasing our sensibility towards our environment.

    5d Sedilo



    5b Ghilarza 



    Land Art from Greece

    We did our Land Art creation on Thursday, June 13th, a hot summer morning before our last day at school! Kids are so proud of it!

    Here some land art from Finland!

    We had so much fun making this art and my pupils were so proud of their work. The spring has been chilly this year in Finland and it has been raining a lot too. We are happy we managed to do the land art because we only have two school days left this spring.





    Our children enjoyed a lot creating their Land Art creation. They had different proposals, they voted and finally, they decided to recreate our school logo. They used stones, plants, grass and branches. 

    We are very proud of our Land Art creation. 

    Land art in France

    The sun is back and we are out to create. Great time !