
    Traveling and learning!


    Wonderful memories from our transnational activities in North Makedonia... πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


    Transnational  second learning mob               OUR CULTURE – EUROPEAN HERITAGE 1 ( in Macedonia (13-18) October,2019

    The time spent together was time when we learned, shared, observed various educational activities about  Macedonian culture and tradition.Memories of Traditional Children games Games were  awakened and  the students  learned how to  be played.

    Here are couple of photos of our "Five day Journey" :):) :)


    Warm welcome at the primary school OOU "Straso Pindzur"-Karbinci

    Creative folklor workshops in the city library


    "Kokino" - Megalictic observatory


    St. Joakim Osogovski

    At the mountain lodge "Vrteska" - Traditional food -" Banica"



    At the mountain lodge "Vrteska"- Prepaering traditional Macedonian food "Banica"

    Diditalisation and ETwinnig workshop


    The building of the Goverment of N.Macedonia in Skopje


    The termal source of hot water "L'dzi" in Novo Selo - Stip 

    Etnology part of the City Museum in Stip.

    Old houses in Novo Selo.

    Traditional costumes of the Muslim  people  that live in municipality of Karbinci.

    Goce Delcev 's classroom.


    The fortess "Isar".

    The main building of university "Goce Delcev", where we heard about the oldest school in Macedonia and as well their teachers. The lecture was held by prof. D-r Barbareev.
    Also in that building we visited the memory room of "Goce Delchev".

    Wax museum of "Macedonian revolutionary organisation (MRO)", Stip

    Inn in the Old Bazar in Skopje

    Ethnographic museum

    Archeological site "Bargala"

    Archeological site "Bargala"


    At the mountain lodge "Vrteska" Traditional children games

    At the mountain lodge "Vrteska"- Traditional children games

    Etnographic museum

    Ethnographic museum

    Etnographic museum in Skopje

    The canon "Matka"


    Traditional food


    Workshop with professor from department of ethnocoreology and pupils from EUROART.
    - singing Croatian/Italian song;
    - Dancing 3 traditional dances "krstach", "kopachka" and "pravo oro";
    - explaining the male shirt from traditional costume (Toska);
    - Listening to "gajda" (bagpipe), "flejta" (flute) and "tapan" (drums);

    The fortess in Skopje "Skopsko Kale"

    Traditional food "Pastramajlija"



    We invite all students who have submitted a motivational letter for the transnational learning activity that will be in Macedonia to come to an interview on May 13, 2019 in Classroom 52 (Geography) at 13 o'clock. The interview will be in English. Good luck everyone!


    Applicaton for the transnational activity in Macedonia in October 2019, as part of our Erasmus project, is opened! Students who want to participate should write a motivational letter and submit it by May 3 in the school library.





    Transnational activities in Croatia - MK perspective.pdf

    Our impresions from the transnational activities in Croatia.



    Goodbye and see you soon in Macedonia.


    Let's check out what we've learned these days in Croatia.



    On main event in school... just for our Italian friends...



    On main event in school... just for our Macedonian friends...



    Main event in the school hall in Velika Gorica.




    Preparing the exhibition stands for the school day.




    Traditional dance on main square iz Zagreb.



    We visited Advent iz Zagreb!




    Third day we visited the Ethnographic museum in Zagreb and had a workshop... We learned how to make kinč πŸ˜Š.


    We celebrated the day of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nikolas brought gifts to all students. 


    CLASS OBSERVATION (English, Science, Religion...)


    We solved the evaluation list...

    Learning activities during the STEAM evening...

    eTwinning workshop with teachers and students.

    We visited castles Lukavec and Modic Bedekovic.

    We visited regional schools.

    All together in Croatia!

    Finally we met each others!