
    Our tradicional meals...


    We were cooking pasta italiana and it was perfect, the meal was fantastic!

    We were sad because we could not go to Italy, but instead we made a great meal and very much enjoyed it.

    Pasta italiana


    Macedonian traditional meal called "Banica"

    The traditional meal "Banica" was cooked in front of our Croatian and Italian friends. Some of them even tried how to make the layers of "Banica" so participated actively in the prepaering of this traditional meal.All of them taste it and it was delicious. :)


    *Štrukli" are very tasty :-) 


    We made traditional meal "štrukli" together...


    Croatian traditional meal "štrukli" are very tasty! Our friends from Macedonia and Italy cooked them, tried them and liked it.

    Traditional meals workshop in OOU Straso Pindzur Karbinci, Macedonia

    On Monday, October 15, we celebrated the Day of Bread and made lots of tradicional meals.

    On Monday, October 15, we celebrated the Day of Bread in our school as well as the beginning of our Erasmus + project, Our culture - European heritage. On this occassion the first movie about our traditional food was shown.