Group 6 (activitity 3)


    Description of Estonian students:

    Karl Oskar, Fred, Kristjan, Anti


    This shape is on the middle of the sheet, it consists of a arrow pointing up, a circle a oval and a smaller oval right next to it. A corner under the ovals. Two straight lines one pointing down and the other diagonally across. the arrow is being held by the sick man. on top of the circle is a speech bubble and a thought bubble. Inside of the speech bubble is written”only smarter”

    And inside the thought bubble is written” math is fun, yeey”






    Area of the image: 


    corrected text

    draw a circle with a radius 1,25cm. draw 2 eyes and a mouth in the circle.

    under you need to draw a 3,9cm line. diagonaly draw a 3cm in the middle of the 3,9cm line. at the end of the 3,9cm line draw two semetrical lines oposite to each forming tiny legs. at the highest point of the 3cm line

    draw a arrow pointing upwords thats not filled in.


    Lithuanian students resolved the Estonian task:


    a=4,5 cm

    h=3,6 cm

    b= 2,3 cm

    c= 3,2 cm

    r= 1,1 cm



    Area of the image: 19,26 cm2


    Estonian original work:


    Description of Lithuanian students:

     This is a picture of a phone. There is a big rectangle in the middle of the sheet of paper. At the top and bottom of the big rectangle there is two smaller other rectangles. At the bottom rectangle there is a circle in the middle. At the top rectangle there is a circle on the left side.  At the same rectangle there is another narrow little rectangle on the right corner.


    Area of restangles:

    Area of circles:

    Estonian students resolved the Lithuanian task:



    Lithuanian original work



    Area of restangles: 84,7 cm2, 59,85 cm2          

    Area of circles: 0,0314 cm2, 0,785 cm2