Activity 3. Using geometrical sharpes making picture

  • Preparation

    • Organization of the tasks and the date  that each task has to be completed


    Description-timetable of the tasks

    Description of the task

    Date to be completed

     Each student groups has to make pictures  (A4) about geometrical shapes, they using and they
    print this worksheet.

    Until 22 December 



    Students measure the dimensions and  making calculation the area of the sharpe on the worksheet.




    Until 15th january

    Students write a guide where they will explain the location of the image on the worksheet to the partner school students.

    Example:  The circle is located on the right side of the page.

     From the top about 5 cm and right side about 5cm.

    circle diameter is 4cm ……



    Until the 27th January

    Students  will share  the written guides and the areas of the geometrical sharpes to the partner school students, .

    Until 31st January

    Partner School students drawing the geometrical sharpes to the explanation, they use white A4 paper, they calculate area of the sharps and they add calculation to their work  

    Students share result on the twinspace, 
    compare their work

    Writing the report on the padlet  
    Writing the conclusions in e-book Until 1st February

    Reflection on activity3 . Completing a google form

    Until 15 February