Group 4 (activitity 3)

  • Description of Estonian students:

    Karl Hendrik, Art


    Draw a big rectangle with a ellipse on up of it. Draw a face onto the ellipse. make 2 smaller but vertically longer rectangle on both sides of the first big one. Then draw a lighting bolt to the end of the rectangle on the right. Then make 2 rectangles that go downwards from the big rectangle and at the end of both of them draw L’s facing outwards.




    Area of the image: 

    Lithuanian students resolved the Estonian task:


    R1= 2 cm

    R2= 1,3 cm

    R3= 0,8 cm


    Area of the image: 27,16 cm2


    Estonian original work



    Description of Lithuanian students:

    Arminas, Tautvydas

    There are two rectangles on the top and the bottom of the sheet of paper. In the gap on the left side draw a big circle with a 1/4 cut. Next to it draw five small circles.



    Area of rectangles:

    Area of 3/4 big circle:

    Area of five small circles:

    Estonian students resolved the Lithuanian task:



    Area of rectangles:  37,68+34,54 =72,22(cm2)

    Area of 3/4 big circle: 15,9 (cm2)

    Area of five small circles: 1*0,94+4*1,3=6,14(cm2)

    Lithuanian original work



    Area of rectangles:136 cm2, 136 cm2    

    Area of 3/4 big circle: 21,23 cm2

    Area of five small circles: 0,785 cm2 · 5 = 3,925 cm2