4. Discovering the schools

  • AIM OF THE ACTIVITY: Discovering what the schools are like to find places to create the escape game.

    To do so, 4 groups will prepare a video of their school, and will send it to their TEACHERS. Another group will design a plan of that school which may have a mistery place and upload it onto the TWINSPACE. Finally, the other three groups will create a presentation with texts and photographs about the most important places of the school and place it on a PADLET. Some KAHOOTS will test our final knowledge about schools.

    Go to the bottom of each page to comment on your partners' presentation

    DEADLINE : Jan 10th


    How many groups?

    What to do

    A film about the school

    4 GROUPS

     the interview should last maximum 2’

    • prepare a story board (use the provided by your teachers / see below): what are you going to film? Where? What are you going to say? Who is going to say it?
    • Practise before filming
    • Split the work between the students and shoot the film.
    • Edit your film and send to your teachers
    • Prepare a Kahoot about your film.

    template : 

    Plan of the school

    1 GROUP

    • Draw a plan of the school. Explain what each place is. In order to use it later in our escape game, you have to indicate the north-south orientation (place the north orientation at the top of your plan), and the scale.
    • Imagine a game based on the plan. For example, you can ask your partners to find a mystery place by following the instructions.
    • Post your plan and your game on Twinspace

    Presentation of the different places of the school

    3 GROUPS

    • Decide what the most important places of the school are.
    • Prepare a short presentation of these places
    • Take a picture of the different places
    •  Post everything on a  padlet
    • Prepare a Kahoot about your work
  • The most important places of our school