
  • Short stories about kindness created as kamishibai by the Italian students


    The butterfly with the golden wings ppt


    The garden of good manners ppt

    Activities for January:

    1. Kindness: Each partner school will celebrate Kindness week/day in their school. 

    2. All partners will work together on a collaborative story based on the Kindness theme. We will write alternatively.

    3. Illustrations will be created and we will present it using Kamishibai.  This can be recorded by one partner school by video.


    1. Upload all your pictures of activities held in your school during kindness week. 

    Middle 1 and their Kindness Song...fantastic!

    Random Acts of Kindness:

    Junior 4 organised RAK week. Today Middle 3 surprised Middle 4 with a treat of tea and biscuits...  Nice work students!

    Italian students prepared some works for the kindness week. Have a look!


    2. We will write our collaborative story based on the theme of Kindness in the Journal.

    And here is our Collaborative Story: "Be Nice, Be Kind".


    3. Pictures/Illustrations to match our collaborative story can be uploaded here. We will create a Kamishibal and record it.