Well-Being for staff

  • The Well-being of the whole school community is an important aspect of school life. "Happy teachers/SNAs = Happy Students".  Let's share ideas on how we can incorporate well-being into our working life: Type your ideas into the table. We can also share what we are already doing in our schools to enhance this feeling of well-being.

    Name Activity How/When can we achieve this?
    Clara Staff Choir Fortnightly meeting? After school?? Lunchtime??
    John T Yoga Lunchtime twice a week - 25 minutes?
    Emily Mindful Walking Once a week on school grounds for 15 minutes
    Caroline Relaxation Room A small quiet space for staff to gather themselves alone if needed.
    Jenna  Cafe catch-up  Coffee & a bun once a fortnight - a chance to chat & unwind