Communication Between All the Partners

  • Animated GIF

     In this page we share the various  means of communication between students and teachers   

    Communication has been a constant element of the project and it has fostered collaboration. It has allowed to implement the activities in the involved schools at the same time and to achieve the planned learning outcomes with great satisfaction for both students and teachers. During the implementation of the project the partner teachers have communicated through:

    1/ The Twinspace of the project  through the Twinmail, the Teacher Bulletin or the Project Journal whether it is to ask for clarification, share students' activities, plan for activities or live events, to agree on the kind of products the students had to focus on, to ask confirmation on how to proceed or interact with other teachers.

    Example of Twinmail

    Example of Teachers Bulletin

    Example of Project Journal

    Here is the link of the Doodle we created to plan a meeting

    2/ eTwinning events (events were planned to decide when and how to implement the activities in order to make the students work on the same topic simultaneously)

    * The 10/10/2018: Our first meeting was scheduled to discuss together about the activities to be achieved in the project in order to obtain a planning in a collaborative way.

    The 09/01/2019: Our second LIVE EVENT  between partners: Teachers' meeting, in which we discuss together about the diffrerent next activities that we will achieve in a collaborative way.

    * 18/01/2019: Live Event between teachers of Team 3

    *  The 2/02/2019: A live event between Teachers of Team1

    * Many Live Events between Students partners:


    Tree Day: 

    Pollution Types (Team1)

    Plastic pollution (Team2)

    Pollution Solutions (Team3)


    3/ The Forums allowed both the students and the teachers to interact with each other through a fun icebreaking activity.

    4/ Messenger was used when an urgent information or answer was needed.


    5/ Facebook groups dedicated to the eTwinning project. Here all the products made by the students were shared.

    Click on the image to visit our Facebook Group.

    Click on the image to visit our Facebook Group.


            The communication in this project was also achieved through: