Creating a Logo for our Project

  • Animated GIF

            To choose the best logo for our project, a dotstorming board is created to let our students vote for the convenient logo to our project

    The link of the Dotstorming tool:

    The logo which has the most votes is:

    Imen Sahnoun Preparatory School **Congratulations**



  • Project Logo

    Suggestions of Fatma Bouaziz

    Students productions about the project logo

    Suggestions of Imen Taktak Marzouk

    My students productions about Project Logo

    Suggestions of Noura Trabelsi

    My students productions about Project Logos

    Suggestions of Rim Jabeur

    My students productions about Project Logo

    Suggestions of Imen Turki

    My students productions about Project logo

    Suggestions of Noura Trabelsi

    Padlet containing my students productions

    Project logo suggestions from Croatia

    Students ideas about the project logo

    Suggestions from Houda Ben MIZ


    Lidia Baroi

    I love the green earth

    Suggestion from Mariapia Borghesan, Merlara. Italy
    logo 9th formers houda benmiz
    Bruna Carazzolo Students' logos
    Bruna Carazzolo Students' Logos
    Project LOGO proposals by IC Terralba, Genoa, Italy

    The following padlet contains the project logo proposals of our class ;)

    houda benmiz logo

    9th formers logo

    Dhoha Kchaou (Pioneer middle school of Sfax)

    Project logo

    Suggestion of Mounir TOUTI

    My students productions about Project Logo


    earth logo

    dhoha Kchaou

    suggestion for the logo

    an animated logo by imem sahnoun prep school

    our logo

    imem sahnoun animated logo
    Suggestions of Chefia Cheikhrouhou

    Padlet containing my students productions

    our Logo khair eddine ghraiba prep school

    Khair Eddine Ghraiba Prep School

    Suggestions of Hanene Guesmi
    Lidia Baroi

    logo project