Live event : Xmas and New year

  •        A doodle was created for the purpose to organize our first meeting with our students.

    The Link 

     The schedule of the live event:



    1. Each teacher with her students present their poster related to the Earth

    2. Collaborative activity is created to this live event consisting on reading QRcode (QRcode attributed to each teacher with her students)

    They download the “QRCODE Reader” on their smartphones,. Then, they activate it to read their QRcodes, a message (quote) display on the screen of their smartphones. 

    3. After reading the quote about trees, Nature and Earth, students write the quotes under a common mentimeter presentation .



     The recording of our live event:


  • Our particpation in the live event (14.12.2018)

    Imen Taktak marzouk

    Participating in our live event

    Rim Jabeur class

    Happy new year 2019 / Live event December 14th

    Live event in Merlara, Italy
    Fatma Bouaziz

    Live Event 14/12/2018

    Fatma Bouaziz

    Photos from our classroom

    Live event in Padua
    Lidia Baroi

    live event 14.12.2018

    school anatol france sfax tunisia ( noura trabelsi's class )

    paticipation in our live event

    Dhouha Kchaou

    Participation in the live event

    Dhoha Kchaou

    Pictures from live event