Team3: Air pollution, Some practical solutions (Romania, Tunisia)

  • Team 3 : Air pollution, Some practical solutions 

    1) Our schedule : 

    **First meeting between the partners of Team 3 ( Fatma Bouaziz, Rim Jabeur and Baroi Lidia) to discuss planning of the collaborative work :

    The link of our Live Event

    Steps Description
    1 Brainstorming Activity about the term "َAir Pollution" and suggestions of some practical solutions. This Step is achieved through a mentimeter Words Cloud and mentimeter Flowing grid 
    2 Students participate in the forum of our Team in order to express their opinions and propose sollutions for Air Pollution.
    3 Live Event between all the students of the team3 to share their productions and explain them to each other
    4 Students create a collaborative Broadcast

    Final Result is a collaborative video between 3 countries.

    Schools  Roles
    Ali Ennouri Prep school, Tunisia Students focus on causes of Air pollution
    National College "Grigore Ghica", Romania Students focus on effects of Air pollution
    Pioneer Middle School, Tunisia Students focus on solutions of Air pollution

    **Our collaborative Google Slides for the planning :

    This is the link : Team 3 planning

    2) Collaborative Brainstorming

    Live Event 21/02/2019 (Brainstorming with Mentimeter tool)

    The link of the Event


    Activity 1 : Brainstorming (Cloud Word)

    Activity 2 : Practical solutions

    3) Our Live Event 14/03/2019

    Our poster for the Live Event


    The link

    4) Our final production : Broadcast

  • Our contributions_Team3

    Fatma Bouaziz

    Brainstorming activity1

    Fatma Bouaziz

    Brainstorming activity2

    Lidia Baroi's team

    Causes of air pollution

    Fatma Bouaziz

    Collaborative Mind Map about Air pollution done by my students

    Fatma Bouaziz

    Presentation about air pollution done by my students

    Lidia Baroi

    collaborative mind map about causes of air pollution done by my students

    Lidia Baroi

    causes of air pollution

    Fatma Bouaziz

    My students work on Air pollution ( Mind Map and Word cloud)

    Rim Jabeur

    Brainstorming activity: Causes, effects and solutions to reduce air pollution. (collaborative activity)

    Fatma Bouaziz

    collaborative Mind map

    Rim Jabeur's class Our Live event

    Air pollution: causes, effects and solutions.

    Rim Jabeur class / Mother Earth by my students

    My students singing the Mother Earth duing the live Event

    Rim Jabeur class The News Broadcast about air pollution

    News Broadcast by my students

    Rim Jabeur class / News Broadcast

    Breaking News Broadcat by my brilliant students

    Lidia Baroi

    Les enfants de la Terre (Copiii Terrei)

    Lidia Baroi

    Interview about the causes of the air pollution.