Our schools on a video

    We present our school in a scratch project. We can assign this task in one student or in many students and after you will create a video of their projects. Extra productions will be posted in the Twinboard of this page.

    Pioneer middle school of Sfax Tunisia (Imen Taktak's class )

    Poland Primary School in Ludzisko (Iwona Bednarek)

    4th Juior High School of Petroupoli 

    and a real tour at our school by Sofianos

    IIS"Marconi-Guarasci" ITE Rogliano (Cs) Italy

    Kaunas Versvu gymnasium, Lithuania 


    Pioneer middle school of Sfax (Dhoha Kchaou)

  • Our Students projects

    Istituto tecnico economico
    Imen Taktak's Class

    My students' projects about Pioneer middle school of Sfax Tunisia are posted on a common padlet

    Fatma Bouaziz' class

    My students' projects about Ali Ennouri school of Sfax Tunisia are posted on a common padlet

    Pioneer middle school of Sfax Tunisia (Imen's Class)

    Students present their school through Minecraft tool

    4th Junior High School of Petroupoli by Giannis (part 1)

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/280274477/ fullscreen/

    4th Junior High School of Petroupoli by Zoe (part 3)


    4th Junior High School of Petroupoli by Kostas (part 2)

    https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/280283810/ fullscreen/

    Kaunas Versvu gymnasium in Lithuania

    Danguole's class students create Scratch project about Kaunas Versvu gymnasium in Lithuania