The main event for all partners where they had a video conference and implemented collaborative activities (Joined-shared classes) (full report of our activities here).

    A summary of our activities as were presented in Europe Code Week's MOOC Teachmeet as an example of good practices 

    Our project's main event :  codeweek4all code is cw18-x1EEO

    the Certificate of our Live event:

    • Our activities during our online meeting where prepared and scheduled collaboratively among teachers during a video conference  teachers had before and through communication with emails and messages on Messenger (click here for the preparations of the event)

    Events for Europe Code Week at partners' schools

    More events were organized at each partner's school and they are all posted on their pages (access through the codes on the following interactive image):

    In the following interactive photo partners can add nodes with their events (any of them if you have more) and have links directly to their events pages in Europe Code Week site  (the poster that we use in this Thinglink is created by Fatma Bouaziz)


    We have also participated in  Europe Code Week with JOINED events where we have created games about cultural Heritage, (event's code 4 all is: cw18-ecS8f)