
  • Dissemination of the project in Portugal



    Club Robotic Day - Leiria - Agrupamento de Escolas D.Dinis (Maio 2016)

    No dia 11 de maio o Agrupamento de Escolas da Batalha esteve presente no dia da Robótica organizado pelo Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis - Leiria.
    Estiveram, também, como entidades dinamizadoras no evento o Instituto Politécnico de Leiria e o Clube de Aeromodelismo de Leiria.
    O Agrupamento de Escolas da Batalha, através do Clube de Robótica e do projeto Erasmus+ Ka2 - More, participou com 4 alunos da turma D do 11.º ano, do curso de Informática TGPSI, proporcionando aos alunos o contacto com o mundo da robótica através da organização de 3 atividades: Futebol de Robôs, Luta de Robôs e Corrida de Robôs.
    De salientar o empenho e profissionalismo com que os 4 alunos (António Joaquim, Miguel Figueiredo, André Alves e Dany Raimundo) prepararam e dinamizaram estas atividades. Aos alunos foi oferecido, pela direção do Agrupamento de Escolas D. Dinis um livro e o respetivo certificado de participação.


    - Laptop

    - Robots

    - Arduino and sensor

    - Tablets Android and Robot Control App

    - Transport

    - Ipad e Apple TV

    - Teachers involved work hours (preparing exhibition)

    URL - https://www.facebook.com/aebatalha/posts/1004718946302468



    Robotic Demonstration - Batalha - Pre-School Moinho de Vento (Maio 2016)

    O Centro Infantil Moinho de Vento (IPSS na Batalha) visitou o Agrupamento de Escolas da Batalha para participar numa atividade de robótica, englobada no âmbito do Clube de Robótica e do Projeto Erasmus+ KA2 - MORE, dinamizada pelos alunos do 11ºD do Curso Profissional de Informática (TGPSI).

    Nesta visita os pequenos alunos foram apresentados aos conceitos básicos da robótica e tiveram a oportunidade de interagir com os robôs


    - Laptops

    - Transport

    Tablets Android and Robot Control App

    - Ipad e Apple TV

    - Robots

    - Teachers involved work hours (preparing exhibition)

    URL: https://www.facebook.com/aebatalha/posts/1004721672968862




    Code Week - Programming and Robotic Day - Portuguese Ministery of Education ERTE/DGE - Lisboa Escola Secundária D.Dinis (Outubro 2015)

    In the 17th of october the portuguese teachers participated on an event (Code Week 2015) on the Escola Secundária D. Dinis - Institution of Education. The MORE project too part on the exhibition where the activities and products of the project were showed to the participants of the event..


    - Laptop

    - Transport

    - Ipad e Apple TV

    - Teachers involved work hours (preparing exhibition)


    Teacher Nacional Meeting  - XV Encontro das TIC na Educação - Tecnologia na Educação: ensino, aprendizagem e trabalho cooperativo - Research Center (July 2015)

    This presentation was made in a Pood Practise Painel in teacher meeting in Leiria.

    PROGRAM - link


    - Laptop

    - Transport

    - Microsoft powerpoint

    - Teachers involved work hours (prepare presentation and present)


    Teacher Nacional Meeting - Encontro TIC@Portugal'15 - University Research Center (July 2015)

    Presentation made on a painel session  called "Robótica na escola – brincar e aprender!" (Robotics in school - play and learn).

    This event is a nacional event with schoolsm universities and Researchs Center.


    PROGRAM - link


    - Laptop

    - Transport

    - Microsoft powerpoint

    - Web 2.0 tools

    - Teacher work hours (prepare presentation and present)


    Batalha Local  newspaper (June 2015)

    In this publication we have a mother opinion about the project as well a students opinion about her participation on the project.


    - Laptop

    - Microsoft word

    - Teacher work hours (prepare photos, parents meeting, producing text)


    Cultural activities "Jornadas Culturais do Agrupamento" (April 2015)

    This event took part in the School and was open to all schools, from kindergarden to secondary students.

    Students from the project dinamized activities for other students using the knowledge achive from French and Italian partners, using Robots and Arduinos.





    To work with robot studentsw have to do some math calculation, they need to understand angles, distances and others concepts.


    - Laptop

    - Tablets

    - Arduinos

    - Teachers involved spend many extrahours working to: prepare and install software on laptops, prepare robots and microsontrollers, building the football field

    - Costs of the football field


    2nd Creative Classroom Group Online Unconference (March 2015)

    This presentation was done for eTwinning teacher all over Europe. The vídeo is available in this LINK.

    VIDEO is available in this LINK


    - Laptop

    - Internet Connection 3G

    - Google drive - presentation


    TIC Educa 2015 (March 2015)

    In the 11th of may the portuguese students participated on an event (TIC Educa 2015) on the University of Lisbon - Institution of Education, where they presented the project and conducted a workshop demonstrating the technologies used in the project.

    From this participation we will have an article in the book of the event.





    - Laptop

    - Internet Connection 3G

    -  iPad

    - Tablet PCs,

    - Smart phones

     - Robots kits

    - Google drive - presentation

    - Students and teacher transport


    Bussines Partner (March 2015)

    We established a partnership with ínCentea - www.incentea.pt/ - (a portuguese software house). They are a partner for this projecto. They will help us spreading the project, give us help in technical issues and even promote a workshop about Mobile Technologies in March 2016 when ours partners came to Portugal.

    See here ínCentea newsletter informing our partnership



    - Laptop

    - Tablet PCs,

    - Google drive - document

    - Transport


    Batalha Local  newspaper (January 2015)


    Leiria Regional newspaper (January 2015)

    File -




    School journal (December 2014)


    School department council (October 2014)