• Carrying out our project, we are almost absolutely sure that we reached the following results:

    1) Development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice in lifelong learning. The project was based on an enrichment program of activities which use new technology in the school laboratory, for communication with each other as well as for the production of the final products. These include communication via email and WhatsApp, preparation of lectures and PPt presentations, preparation of facebook page and twinspace, sharing of files, taking photos and video recording with digital cameras, creation of digital photo albums and ebooks, production of films, carrying out experiments and measurements in the school natural sciences laboratory.

    2) Teamwork and social interaction between all project participants.

    3) Cultural awareness and expression. The project encouraged all participants to consider their own cultural identity and how it is compared to the cultural identity of other participants. Cultural awareness and celebration of each other’s cultures formed the basis of each mobility visit. Students shared information about their own cultural identity at assemblies for all visiting staff during mobility visits.

    4) The students involved in the project built competencies valuable for today’s world. They acquired research skills to find and use information effectively, became better at managing their time, learned how to think creatively, how to communicate and work together sharing ideas, how to make responsible decisions, how to adapt in new situations.

    By completing the project, students have: a) been more interested in science and natural sciences, b) developed the abilities of individual thinking and justification, c) extended their ecological knowledge on abiotic parameters as well as flora and fauna of certain aquatic ecosystems (AQUE),  d) increased their knowledge on Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora as well as endangered species, e) emphasized on the cultural, social and economic features of the different AQUE, f) established links between mathematics and nature, g) improved their spatial imagination, h) acquired knowledge of the traditions, culture and history of participating countries, i) developed cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and understand its value, and j) acquired skills and competencies essential for individual development, future employment and active European citizenship.

    The Project addressed a range of issues and at the end there is strong evidence that it has contributed to: 1) the encouragement of students’ and teachers’ levels of creativity, initiative and innovation, 2) the extention of knowledge on the practical applications of ICT as well as the laboratory technology, 3)the  promotion of respect for other cultures and  Mother Nature, 4) the challenge of national stereotypes, 5) the promotion of multiculturalism through work in international groups, 6) the improvement of the knowledge of foreign languages and increase students’ vocabulary, especially in the field of ecology, 7) the development of friendships between students or the staff from other countries, 8) the improvement of teachers’ skills of cooperation between them, the students’ families and the local community, and 9) to raise environmental consciousness among students, teachers, parents and the public.