Working on shared art works. Canvas painted at Istituto Costa in Augusta in the 2019/20

  • In this third year of the project we continued to work on shared art works.. The new goals and themes of our painting of this school year are: 1 Sustainably managing planet natural resources, 2 Taking urgent action on climate change.

    As in the previous years the six schoosl began to paint 12 canvases, two per each school on the two different subjects of the year   The pupils painted a part of the canvas then sent the canvas to another partner school. and received back two partially painted canvases from another school which were continued to be painted and so on, until the six schools had worked on all the canvases. This year we had to finish early because everything had to be ready for the final event in May. So we decided that only three schools, instead of the all  six,  had to work in each  of the 12 final canvases.

    We began in October .

    The class 3° B worked on the first  theme. We discussed the subject and pupils decided to paint the idea that water is a preciuos resource for our planet and we have to save it.

    Marianna and Sara painted a tap dropping water. The precious water has golden highlights.

    The class 3° C worked on the second subject. They had in mind a goddess with flaming hair who holds in her hand the earth that is melting for the heat.

    Martina and Freda working on canvas.

    The canvas ready to be delivered to the other partners.

    In our meeting in November in Patras we exchanged the canvases and we received this two canvases from Patras school.

    The Class 3° A  decided to continue the first canvas continuing  in the same style. They draw 8 rectangles and 8 pupils painted one each. this is the final result

    The class 3° B worked on the other canvas.About the theme of sustanably management of earth, they decided to paint many coloful wind turbines.  This is this the final result

    We sent them and then we received other  two canvases from Limassol school.


    In the first one there wasn't much work to do. Tha class3°A just added a sad moon on the left and painted the sky above.

    In the second one the class 3°C added a landscape with wind turbines.

    Luckly the work was almost finished when the school closed on March 5th for the Covid19 emergency.