Working on a shared artwork. Canvases painted in Augusta in the 2018/19

  • In October we began to paint our first canvases.

    The goals and the topic of this school year are:

    A Understanding social, ethnic, linguistic religious and cultural diversity

    B Preventing students from adopting discriminatory attitudes, intolerance, bullying, social exclusion

    The first topic was assigned to 3C class We discussed with pupils about the theme and togheter dedided what to paint.

    Sara and Alice were the first paintesr.They painted a circle in the middle of the canvas with the map of Europe . On the map they put,overlapping, profile faces in different colours

    The second topic was assigned to 3B class. In the same way first we discussed togher how to begin the canvas, then two pupils, Georgia  Leotta and Virginia  Incari made the sketches and painted. They painted a field in which two animals, a giraffe and a zebra communicate each other even they are different. The zebra is a rainbow fur.


    After the first exchange we received the canvases paintend by the Greeck studens.

    In the one about cultural diversity we decided to paint on the top a band with decoration iinspired by the ones on a typicall sicilian barrow. Simone Liberto and Marica Grasso from the 3B class worked on it.


    In the other one we decide continue the wall and paint apiece of the fake wall that oll the pupils drew during mobility in augusta. Oliwia Jarocha and Michelle Scorpo from the 3C painted it

    After the second exchange we received the two canvases from Cyprus school.


    In the first one the decided to take inspiration from the book The little prince. Martina Agosto and Giulio Franco from 3B worked on it.

    In the second one, the one about cultural diversity we painted some symbols from different  religions in the world. Manuela and Chiara from 3A worked on it

    In the next exchage we received these two canvases:



    In the first one we completed the tree and added a dove. Beatrice Fichera , Raimondo Di franco and Francesca  Di Stefano from 3C worked on it.

    In the second one we added to the dance a musician. Giada Di Domenico and Giada Corso from 3A painted a girl palying a guitar. the melody is the Hymn to joy, the European hymn.

    In the fourth exchange we received these two canvases:



    in the vfirst one, the one about cultural diversity, we paintd a testa di moro, the typicall sicilian ceramic pot shaped as a head: Anita  Di Mare and Sara  Di Mare from 3C worked on it

    in the second one, continuing the painting made by other schools we parted sharp shape that mix an melt with sinuous shapes. Georgia Leotta and Simone  Miceli from 3B class worked on it:

    For the last step we received two canvas from Greece:


    and this how we completed the two canvases

    Georgia leotta added a quote from Fernand Leger

    And Marica Grasso and Martina Agosto added som red shoes. Red shoes symbolize the fight against violence against women