3rd Students' Meeting: Augusta (Sicily) 2018

  • .    AUGUSTA 

    12-18 Νοεμβρίου 2018  Συνοδοί καθηγήτριες: Παναγιωτοπούλου Χρυσάνθη Στεφανίδη Χρυσούλα

    Two teachers and four students from the Experimental Junior High School of Patras visited Augusta from 12th until 18th November. It was a week with many new experiences for all of us. We met new persons and we had the opportunity to learn the habits of the residents, to taste their food, to see their city.

    The families who hosted our students were very kind and hospitable. The mothers cooked for everyone very delicious meals and sweets. It was a feast in a nice place (monastery). We enjoyed it all and the students sang songs from all the countries.

    Guided city tours, excursions to the volcano Etna, to Catania and to Syracuse were in the program.

    We all made new friends and we invited them to Patras.

    Everything was organized was very well and the Italian teachers were friendly and very helpful.