Students were organized in mixed groups, worked with free online word processing tools such as Google DOCS. This allowed them to write a story, share ideas, images, and suggestions. Many web sites such as Kahoot took part in the online exams related to literature topics. In the following links you can read or watch all the materials of students workshops.
Project WebPage
Powtoon: Dante's Inferno Romeo&Juliet
Prezi: The Emigrants Antonis Samarakis
Padlet: The River
Kahoot quizzes: Dante's Inferno The River The Emigrants
Quizlet Diagrams : link to join the class "Erasmus Turkey"
Jimdo: Jimdo sites
Google Docs: stories
Animoto videos: Sweden Greece1 Greece2 Italy1 Italy 2
Turkey1 Turkey2 Turkey3 Turkey4