About partners - Croatia

  • Sveti Petar Orehovec Elementary school is situated in North-Western part of Croatia where 4583 residents live in 39 smaller villages. Most of them are working in agriculture and have low income. 347 students attend the school. The school is consisted of the main school and 4 district schools in villages Bočkovec, Fodrovec, Miholec and Gregurovec. 107 students attend these rural schools, and 240 students attend the main school. 73% of students travel by bus to school from nearby villages. Aside from compulsory subjects, students can choose between optional subjects such as English, ICT, and Religious Education. The main foreign language in school is German, but most of the students attend also English as second foreign language.

    School staff is consisted of 40 teachers and 3 professional associates.

    Find more on http://os-sveti-petar-orehovec.skole.hr/