Using the CLIL approach - music
1. During an English lesson the students listened to the wheel of musical impressions on the Jimmy Fallon show.
The guest was Alicia Keys! (
The students listened to Alicia sing the alphabet song but to the music of Adele's song Hello.
2. During their music lessons they took Adele's hello and changed it to a song about our project. They also learnt how to play the song using their musical instruments.
3. The students from both Spain and Cyprus learnt the project song. They recorded the entire song and then using movie maker the following video was created. The videos has students from both countries singing sometimes with their classmates but sometimes on their own!
4. They also took Ed Sheeran's shape of you and wrote a song about books. They also learnt how to play the song using musical instruments.
5. During their English lessons the students' lyrics were corrected and the songs were sung. Click on the files below to hear the students sing!
(E1 sing changed Hello) (E3 sing changed Hello)
(ST1 sing changed Shape of you)
Bel air song Aris Pokemon Theme
6. Even though only Shape of you and Hello were fully transformed from start to end, other songs were also changed. However, only parts of the following songs were changed!
Camilo´s Class Singing