ICT tools

  • For the project plenty of tools were used:

    Thinglink for the collection of children' games

    Genially for the board game for the physically-impaired

    Biteable for project preview video

    Rocketium for the video of the physically-impaired motivational speaker

    Dotstorming for voting for a game platform

    Google forms to vote for the features of the Scratch Game

    Tricider to get to know each other

    Prezi to present animals that assist people with disabilities

    writeurl to co-write a story

    Emaze to present the playlets using text, images, videos and audio files

    Google slides for the presentation of partner countries and cities

    Google sheets to plan activities

    Google docs for the children's questions for the interviews

    padlet wall for students to post their profiles, Christmas cards, class photos and videos; for students to post comments and notes on the (online) meeting about the mentally-challenged

    Linoit for the children to collect the interviewees' answers

    Meetingwords for the children to type their thoughts, impressions and comments afte the visits

    Adobe Spark & befunky for collages

    Quizziz for the countries and cities online game

    Mentimeter to vote a type of disability and a type of game

    Snack for a photo slideshow

    Photopeach & Magisto for making videos

    YouTube & Vimeo to publish videos

    Adobe Connect for the online meetings

    Software: Paint, office, windows live movie maker

    Learning to use a digital camera