18-22 March 2019 ERASMUS+ partner meeting
No Stereotypes But Diversity ERASMUS+ project 2017-1-HU01-KA219-035974 Stereotypical thinking and discrimination in schools - how can we address and solve these issues?
18 | 09.30-10.45 h Welcome to the school, ice breaking games 11.00-12.00 h Introduction of the project topic by Ibolya Taylor 12.00-12.45 h “What are we proud in our country” PPT | 14.00-15.00 h Cultural visit |
19 | 09.30-10.00 h Introduction of the day -cultural quiz 10.00-11.30 h SINOSZ workshop by Tímea Mázló 11.45-12.05 h TR intercultural presentation in the school break 12.05-13.00 h Workshop I. - Bullying | 15.36-Boat 16.00-16.50 h Parliament |
20 | 09.30-10.00 h Introduction of the day - exhibition opening 10.00-11.30 h Red Cross Hungary workshop by Molnár András 11.45-12.05 h RO intercultural presentation in the school break 12.05-12-50 h Workshop II. - Skype (UNHCR, Menedék Egyesület) | 4.00-15.00 h Margaret |
21 | 09.00-10.00 h Coordinators meeting (all teacher) 09.00-09.45 h Etwinning activities (students in the classrom) 10.00-11.30 h Amnesty Hungary 13.00-15.00 h Dissemination | 13-15.00 h Funny games |
22 | 09.00-09.45 h Coordinators meeting (all teacher) 09.00-09.45 h Students in English class (111. and 12. classroom) 10.00-11.30 h NANE workshop by Mészáros Gréta & Horváth Éva h SP intercultural presentation in the school break 12.10-12.45 h Evaluation | 14.00-15.00 h Dance 19.30 h Concert |
No Stereotypes But Diversity ERASMUS+ project 2017-1-HU01-KA219-035974
> Stereotypical thinking and discrimination in schools - how can we address and solve these issues?
> Workshops on on tolerant acceptance of the migrants & the refugees
2018.03.18. Erasmus+ meeting (program) 9.35-10.45 PPT
Csanád: I would like to welcome all students and teachers participating in this meeting to Hungary! Welcome to Budapest! And last but not least welcome to our school! We are really happy to have you here within the frame of the No Stereotypes but Diversity ERASMUS+ project. First of all, let me introduce ourselves, she is Petra Kapási and my name is Csanád Pléli. We have also been working on another ERASMUS+ project for the last 2 years, and we have already participated in several meetings not only in our school but also in Martinique, which is a wonderful small island located in the Caribbean region, in Tenerife and some of our classmates have been to Estonia and Germany as well, so I daresay we know quite well how it feels like being in a foreign country, in an unfamiliar situation.
We hope that you will enjoy your stay here and you will gather unforgettable experiences, just as we did.
Petra: I would like to introduce the headmaster of our school Ms. Bernadett Szalai. I would like to ask Ms. Szalai to welcome our guests and open the meeting.
Bernadett Szalai’s speech
Petra: Thank you for the kind words. Now, let’s welcome Sarolta Nagy attending the 10th grade who will play the cello.
- When I Go up Buda's Big Mountain by Béla Bartók
- Rondo by Hugo Schlemüller
- Etudes for cello
Petra: Thank you. Please welcome Benjamin Somodari attending the 10th grade who will play the violin.
- Etudes for violin
Petra: Thank you. Please welcome Katalin Lendvai attending the 9th grade who will play the guitar.
- Remake of the theme song of the Godfather by E. Shitsina
Csanád: Thank you so much for the great performances. Now, I would like to ask the coordinators from each country to introduce their groups.
- Camelia, please introduce the Romanian group
- Betsabe, please introduce the Spanish group
- Yasemine, please introduce the Turkish group
- Zoltán, please introduce the Hungarian group.
If you have any questions, requests, or wishes during your stay in Hungary you can turn either to Katalin, Veronika, or Zoltán!
- Plays a musical instrument
- Has been before in foreign countries
- Has 2 or more brother/sister
- Loves to dancing
- Hates broccoli
- Likes to get up early
- Someone who like TV series
- Has made the longest journey
- Name begins with an 'S'
- Has eaten the weirdest food
- Speaks a foreign language
- Has brown eyes
- Plays sport
- Is wearing blue
- Loves soccer
- Has 2 or more pets
Csanád: 10.35-kor Let’s show you our school. We will take a tour in the school building, but before that we would like you to upload your presentations of your country and school onto the computer. Please divide into two smaller groups. One group will come with me and the other one will go with Petra around the school.
10.45-11.00 - COFFE BREAK - 15-minute coffee break
Workshops on on tolerant acceptance of the migrants & the refugees
Dissemination organised by Ady Endre Grammar School and Pannónia Primary School
Dear Colleagues, we kindly invite you to the ERASMUS+ project dissemination.We will share the experiences of KA2 & K1 projects. Date: 21. March 2019 (Thursday) 13:00-15:00 hAddress: Budapest, XIII kerületi Ady Endre Gimnázium, Röppentyű u. 62.
Language: Regarding the foreigner quests it is English Registration: https://doodle.com/poll/472ypzn2r9z345x6
No Stereotypes But Diversity - Yasemin Dirikan (Mustafa Mihriban Boysan Ortaokulu, TR) PPT
Students Against Violence in Europe! - Csuri Veronika (Budapest, XIII. Kerületi Ady E. Gimnázium, HU) PPT
Cultural Treasure; Big Ocean; Let’s Conquer Technology - Camelia Petrescu(Ș. Gimn.“A D.”, RO) PPT, PPT
Sharing is caring - Márkó Szidónia (Bp., XIII. Kerületi Pannónia Általános Iskola, HU) PPT
Inclusion Aginst Exclusion, Good in Health Good in Mind - Betsabé Flores M. (Colegio San I., SP) PPT, PPT
Democracy lessons, lets debate like in European Parliament - Luis Carlos Ferrando Girón (Colegio S. I., SP) PPT
Teachers' Academy III. - Learn and apply - Károly Eszter (Mező Ferenc Általános Iskola, HU) PPT
Drops of Life - Zdravkova Elena (Teleki Blanka Gimnázium, HU) PPT
Climates-Together for the better - Katonáné M. Katalin-Törökné K. Marianna (Ady E. Gimnázium HU) PPT
Disszeminációs Találkozó az Ady E. Gimnáziumban - 2019. márc. 21.
Az ERASMUS+ projektek fontos eleme a módszerek, eredmények átadása, a jó tapasztalatok megosztása és közzététele. Az Ady Endre Gimnázium és a Pannónia Német Nemzetiségi Kétnyelvű és Angol Nyelvet Oktató Általános Iskola második alkalommal szervezte meg közösen a találkozót, ezúttal még több iskolát bevonva. Az eseményre a XIII. és a XIV. kerületi oktatási intézmények és az Ady E. Gimnázium az erre a hétre időzített partnertalálkozóján résztvevő külföldi tanárok is be tudták mutatni a saját intézményeik együttműködési eredményeit, kezdeményezéseiket. A programon jelen volt a Közép-Pesti Tankerületi Központ képviselője is. A projektmegbeszélés a külföldi kollégákra való tekintettel angol nyelven zajlott. A délutánt az Ady Endre Gimnázium igazgatónőjének, Szalai Bernadettnek köszöntő szavai nyitották meg. Ezt követték az projektbemutatók. Az iskolák tevékenységeinek bemutatója egyszerre volt megdöbbentő, hogy mennyi munka és ötlet van egy-egy projekt mögött, ugyanakkor rendkívül inspiráló is volt a résztvevőknek a saját szakmai fejlődésükben és hogy az iskolák módszertani megújításaikkal további eredményeket érhessenek el. A változatos témák, módszerek és eredmények beszámolója után a délután a résztvevők kötetlen beszélgetésével, a tapasztalatok, ötletek cseréjével folytatódott.
In English: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19HoEi6U-Gm0a4nlYOe-rqcMgVy72bZUAovwcQqLt-bY/edit