Exhibition Erasmus + Project: "Agenda 2030: That's our challenge!"

  • From 3rd May to 1st June 2019 at the Alaquàs' Castle.

    In this exhibition, the IES Clara Campoamor presents the work done, together with our partner schools from Italy, Germany and Greece, within the Erasmus + Project: "Agenda 2030: That's our challenge!".

    The main objective of the project has been to educate our students as citizens aware of the needs of society, so that they became active citizens.

    To achieve this aim, we have to change our method of work and use active teaching methodologies, educating in competences and skills that allowed our students to analyze the problems that our society faces and then act to improve them.

    All the schools have worked on the 17 Objectives of the 2030 Agenda, but each school has worked, in particular, objectives linked to its environment or characteristics of the school. In Alaquàs, we have worked objectives 3 (Good health and well-being) and 14 (Life below water).

    The exhibition shows the activities carried out by our students in the last 2 years.