Summary of our Erasmus + project "Agenda 2030: That's our challenge"

  • The partners that form part of the project are a group of schools concerned in how and why educate. Answering to the second question, we want to educate conscious citizens that could be active actors of the society in which they live. Citizens that do not expect only that the institutions work for them but that are able to take the initiative they to build a better future. Thus, we have focussed our aims in values internationally accepted. That is the reason why we have chosen the aims of the Agenda 2030 as the common point for these actions.

    To form active students that are able to take decisions we have to change our method of work and use active methodologies of education. We will have to educate therefore in competences and skills that allow them to analyse the problems which confronts our society and later act to improve them.

    We will use methodologies of project based learning (PBL), based in collaborative work in the classroom and the use of ICTs. These methodologies will suppose a new manner to work in our schools.

    In the project there will participate 4 schools of the following countries: Italy, Germany, Greece and Spain. The vehicular languages will be English (common to all the participants) and French (2nd foreign language of some participants). The action will go mainly directed to the students of these schools aged between 14 and 16 years.

    The work process will be the following: The first year we will work on the making aware of the 17 goals of the Agenda 2030. Each school will support 2 goals and will be the responsible of making aware the students of the others schools in these goals. To achieve this, the students and professors will propose to the rest of the schools activities related with these goals.

    The process of work will be the following:

    Each school will defend 2 goals which are related with the surroundings or the characteristics of the school. The assignation is the following:

    - Goals 2 and 17: Italy.

    - Goals 6 and 15: Greece.

    - Goals 7 and 12: Germany.

    - Goals 3 and 14: Spain.

    To work these goals the process will be the following;

    1- Presentation of the goals with an activity where it will be highlighted the need of achieving this goal.

    2- Selection of measures that can be done by the students.

    3- Implementation of the measures adopted. The school that will defend these goals will propose activities about these goals for the others schools.

    Besides, in each mobility, we will mainly work on the goals assigned to each school.

    The work of the mobilities will consist in:

    - The students, divided in international groups, will do actions of consciousness-raising in the goals of the mobility.

    - Realisation of visits related with the goals proposed:

    - The students of each school will present infrastructures, industries and/or innovative projects that are being carried in the surroundings of their school and serve to the achievement of the goals of this mobility. This will serve also to work the goal 9 of the Agenda 2030.

    - Presentation of characteristic or innovative educational practices of the school for the visitor teachers to work the goal This goal will be also worked applying the methodology PBL in the project.

    The 7 remaining goals will be worked together between all the partners:

    - Goals 1 and 2: The students will collect foods and clothes for associations of charity and will prepare a caring market where the students will earn funds for local NGO.

    - Goal 5: The schools will do different activities for the 25th of November and the 8th of March.

    - Goals 11 and 13: The first year will make an eco-audit in each one of the participant schools. Then, they will propose different measures to improve the sustainability of the school and at the end of the 2nd year we will do a new eco-audit.

    - Goal 8 ("Decent Work"): Throughout all the project the pupils will develop competencies that will prepare the students for the world of work. In addition, we will simulate a process of selection for the students' cooperative of Spain.

    - Goal 16 ("Peace"): We will celebrate the 30th of January.

    The results that want to achieve in these project are therefore the improvement of our educational practice, adopting the PBL methodology. In addition we want to contribute to the awareness of the goals of the Agenda 2030 in all the educational community and in the surroundings of the schools. We want to educate active citizen worried by the improvement and the defense of their social and environmental surroundings.

    During the project we will do the diffusion of the our actions in the social media and in the hashtags of the Agenda 2030.

    We expect that this methodology of work will remain in the usual practice of the teachers and will extend to all the school. We also expect to systematise the education in the values of the Agenda 2030 in the participants schools.